Quote of the Moment

This is what the past is for! Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see." Corrie ten Boom, The Hiding Place

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cornelia ten Boom

One of my favorite books is The Hiding Place. I decided to re-read this book and in the forward I read the above quote. I love it. I do believe that God has a plan and that he is preparing us for what is to come by introducing people and experiences into our lives. As long as we stay close to His spirit we will know what we need to learn and how we can grow from our experiences.

Zoo day, Hooray!

The Zoo had a free day while we were in town so we went! Luckily Samuel was able to borrow some mittens and a hat from his cousins. He really didn't know what to think about mittens...when we first put them on he just stared at his hands. We got to see many of the baby animals at the zoo and I think Samuel's favorite was the giraffe. At any rate, that is the one animal we do have in a picture!

Samuel got to ride the carousel with his cousins as a treat from Auntie Shelley. Samuel had mixed emotions about the ride. He liked being on the elephant until the carousel started to go. He also liked to see his dad and grandpa standing there, but when they were out of sight Samuel would start to whimper because he wanted to be with them.
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Family Time

I am sad at how few pictures I have of us spending time with our family. We really did have a great time with family dinners, playing games, chatting....I wish my camera would know when to just take pictures because I so often forget to pull it out to capture those moments!
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Samuel did really well travelling. I think the highlight for him was the Tampa Airport where they had a play area right by our gate! He loved playing on the cloud slides and the airplanes. He apparently thought they were just for him because when other little children would come to play he would yell, "No, mine!" All I can say is it was past his nap time....but at least he was having fun and he did warm up to having the other children play too! Luckily almost the minute the plane started going, Samuel boy fell asleep!
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We took one day and went to Price to visit Aunt Kelly & Uncle Fred! We had a wonderful time visiting. Samuel really enjoyed the trip to Price with only two exceptions: 1. Samuel didn't really care for Aunt Kelly's dog who apparently liked Samuel and 2. Samuel didn't seem to care about Soldiers Summit and was quite annoyed that I would get him out of the car so that we could take a picture...Samuel does not like snow or cold - he is our Florida boy through and through!
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Trip to Utah

At the end of January we took a trip to Utah and got to visit our family. We had a wonderful time, but ever since we got home we have been busy, busy, busy, so that is why it has taken me so long to share our pictures. So, the next few posts will be dedicated to our wonderful vacation!
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