Quote of the Moment

This is what the past is for! Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see." Corrie ten Boom, The Hiding Place

Monday, January 11, 2010

Blowing Noses

So I have been sick. I started off this year with brochitis and larangitis - not fun. Anyway, because I have been sick, I have needed to blow my nose quite frequently. I am not a quiet nose-blower. I try, but it usually comes out like a horn.
Samuel has also had a cold and with that cold he has had a runny nose. He has always been a good little guy to let us wipe his nose, but I thought it would be good if he could learn to blow. Well, I gave him a tissue and he put it on his nose and said, "hooonk." Silly little boy! but he did blow his nose just like mommy!