Quote of the Moment

This is what the past is for! Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see." Corrie ten Boom, The Hiding Place

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas Wish List 2012

I wish that I would have kept track of what Samuel has wanted for Christmas every year because as he grows his wants change, but its not to late to start!  So, here is what Samuel would like this year for Christmas.
  • New television for his room
  • Optimus Prime Transformer
  • Monster Truck
  • Wreck it Ralph Tool Belt and Hammer Set
  • New Video game for the Wii  (Samuel is not much of a gamer so he doesn't know which one, but he thinks he would like a new game as he recently discovered that he likes playing those games with David and then teaching me how to play)
  • New chest of drawers for his room
  • New tennis shoes (he would really like some with Optimus Prime on them)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Forget Not To Be Happy Now

"Never stop striving for the best that is within you. Never stop hoping for all of the righteous desires of your heart. But don’t close your eyes and hearts to the simple and elegant beauties of each day’s ordinary moments that make up a rich, well-lived life."
President Dieter F Uchtdorf, October 2011   

Dieter F Uchtdorf gave a speech in the General Relief Society Meeting of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in October 2011 that has brought me so much comfort.  Here is the link if you would like to review it in its entirety: https://www.lds.org/ensign/2011/11/forget-me-not?lang=eng

The part that I have read over and over again is the reminder to be happy now.  He spoke of the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and how people in the story were ravenous in their search for a golden ticket.  They were so extreme in their searches that they no longer savored the chocolate that they had once so much enjoyed. 

Well, I too have been searching for a golden ticket and at times during the past couple years I thought my heart would completely break.  The search has been very personal and one most people just assumed we weren't on.  It has been hard longing for children only to be unsuccessful month after month after month after month after month after month after month after month after month, and then to experience the joy of expectation only to experience loss a couple weeks later. 

In seeking this golden ticket, there have been times that I have forgotten to be happy now.  In those moments I have always been comforted by a small voice.  No, not the still small voice, but the small voice of a precious 4 year old.  He will say things like, "I love you Mom!", "You are the best", "You're beautiful", "You're my best friend".  Sometimes he will just crawl up on my lap and snuggle with me while we watch a movie.  Sometimes we play games and just laugh together.  I would gladly take a houseful of children and we certainly will keep hoping, but I am happy now.  I am so blessed to have a wonderful husband and beautiful son. 

Grandma Ida

We love visiting Grandma Ida.  We were lucky enough to get to visit her a couple of times during our trip in October.  So I know that I already did a post about visiting the farm, but we needed a separate post dedicated completely to this wonderful lady!

Temple Square

While visiting our families we did take some time to visit Temple Square.  It is such a beautiful and peaceful area.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Visiting Aunt Kelly

It is always so much fun to visit Aunt Kelly when we ar ein town.  We loved spending time with her.

2012 Costumes

Cowboy at Sea Worlds Spooktacular

Dragon for the Eccles Dinosaur Park

Police Officer
Along with the above costumes Samuel wore his super hero cape for the Fall Festival at his school and to the trunk or treat at school. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Some of my favorite memories growing up were going to Barkers Fish Farm with my family - especially with my Grandma V.  We had such a great time and I am so glad we got to go there while we were on vacation.  Samuel had a great time.  He loved fishing and he really enjoyed being with his cousins.  If you live in Northern Utah or if you will be visiting, I would strongly recommend stopping here for some outdoor fun!  Here is a link to their website http://coldspringstroutfarm.com/ 

Samuel's First Fish

Trying to decide if he wanted to touch it

The Farm

We always have so much fun visiting Grandma Ida's farm.  Samuel loved giving carrots to the horse and to the goats - the sheep however did not want the carrots.  They we just interested in checking out Samuel.  

Fun with Cousins

Samuel and Cousin F got a ride in the wheelbarrow from Grandpa.  Grandpa ran then down the street to get the mail and all the while the boys were yelling "Again" and "Faster Faster". 

3 Good boys + 1 IPad = hours of entertainment   (Samuel enjoyed the IPad but even more he loved being with his cousins)

The Airport

Wouldn't you agree that Samuel is just adorable....if you don't then by all means, stop looking at my blog :)  In all seriousness, Samuel is such a good sport.  We had to get to the airport really early and therefore we left our house around 3:30 in the morning!  He didn't complain as we then waited for our plane to board.  He just sat and watched a movie. 

You may also notice that Samuel is wearing a bright yellow shirt.  We flew out on a Friday and Samuel was missing the yellow day party at school so we decided he could have his own yellow-day party.

Star Wars Birthday Party

While visiting family last month we got to attend Samuel's cousin's birthday party.  Samuel (and the other kids) all really enjoyed it.  I have such a talented and creative sister!  Here are some pictures of the party goers playing with their Light Sabers (these were constructed by my brother-in-law with pool noodles and electric tape)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Cape & Mask!

Almost 5 years ago my wonderful in-laws gave me a sewing machine, and this weekend it made its debut!  I really enjoy crafting, but due to having a small place I really haven't used any of my crafting stuff.  Then Samuel started asking for a cape and mask.  I saw a picture on Pinterest so I decided to give it a whirl.  Here are the results!

I know that so many people could have done a better job, but seeing as I haven't really sewn much, I don't think this turned out bad at all.  Plus, Samuel loves it! and that is really who I wanted to please. 
And don't worry, the cape is safe for my little superhero - it is fastened with Velcro!

Monday, August 20, 2012

A Special Day

Yesterday as we were coming home from church I told Samuel that we would eat lunch and then take a little nap.  We had been out late the night before attending the baseball game so we were all quite tired.  Samuel was all for the idea of lunch and a nap.  He asked if he could snuggle with his sweater vest that he had worn to church.  David explained to him that we don't snuggle with our sweater vests and here is how the discussion ended:

Samuel:  But I'm having a special day.
Me: You are?  What makes it special?
Samuel:  Well, I get to snuggle with my vest.

Oh, what a way to get what you want!  No crying, no whining, no yelling.  Just selling the idea that it's a special day and then when asked why its special just state that it is special because you get to do what you want.  Such a smarty pants! 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sharky and Bones

It is awesome being close enough to Disney to be able to enjoy some free concerts.  A couple weeks ago we got to go to the Sharky and Bones concert.  Sharky and Bones do the music for Jake and The Neverland Pirates.  LOVE IT! or um, I mean, Samuel loves it.
Here are some of our favorite videos from the concert.

Singing "Talk Like a Pirate" and "Roll the Map"

Tick Tock Croc (Sorry this one is so blurry)

Singing Hot Lava (again, very blurry...I think a video camera may have worked better :))

Doctor is In

Samuel has many costumes and he loves to use them.  I came home one day last week to find him in his doctor costume and David with his foot up.  Apparently David had done something to his foot and the doctor was going to sort it out....below is a video. 
Oh, and just for clarification, Samuel calls getting a shot, a pinch.  He is smart and really listens to everything that is said.  So when the nurses have given him shots they have always said, "now a small pinch." and that is why Samuel calls shots pinches.  Also, that is not a real syringe....no needle, David is not being treated by an unlicensed professional :o)

Lakeland Flying Tigers

My friend won tickets to the Flying Tigers game and because Samuel is so adorable, she gave the tickets to our family so that we could all go!  We had so much fun!  Samuel was so excited to wear his baseball shirt - the funny part about this is that David and I had forgotten about the shirt.  It had been hanging in Samuel's closet, but we hadn't even noticed it.  When David was getting Samuel ready to go Samuel kept telling David that he needed his baseball shirt.  Finally in frustration at David not finding the right shirt, Samuel went into his room and showed David the shirt he was talking about. 
Samuel was also excited to take his mitt to the game.
While at the game a photographer from the Ledger came over - we were on the front row behind home plate.  The photographer had been over by the third base line and had gotten a foul ball.  Well apparently he decided that Samuel should have it and Samuel was soo thrilled!

Silly pose when first arriving at the game

A Game Ball

Loving the Game

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Beautiful Butterfly

Samuel made this butterfly at school last week.  He was very proud of how he colored it.  He is such a good little artist!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Samuel has had a stomach bug this week and it has been making is tummy really hurt.  The other night he asked me to come into his room.  He was trying to fall asleep and he wanted me to tell him why his tummy hurt.  I explained that he had a virus.  I also explained that is why we got him some special drink, try to eat good food, and always wash our hands so that we can be healthy and strong and our bodies can fight off the germs.  Samuel asked what would happen to the virus.  I told him that his body would fight it and it would die - we put it in terms of super heros fighting the bad guy.  Samuel then asked if the virus would go back to live with Heavenly Father.  Smart little boy - always listening and remembering.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Grandma Charlene

This morning, after Samuel's doctor appointment I spoke with my dad on the phone and when I hung up the following conversation ensued:

Samuel (S): Who were you talking to on the telephone?
Me: Grandpa Sam
S: "Is that your dad?"
Me:  Yup
S: Where is your mom?
A few moments of silence as I pull over to the side of the road and try to stop tears....really, it has been 19 years, but sometimes it just hits me.
S: Mom, I said, where is your mom?
Me: She died when I was a little girl
S: And then she came back?
Me:  Nope, when people die they don't come back.  They go to live in Heaven with Heavenly Father.
S: Is she at the police station?
Me: No
S: Why did she die?
Me: She got sick
S: Did she go to the doctor?
Me: Yes, but she got so sick and the doctors couldn't help her.
S: Tell me all about your mom died.
Me:  Well, she got sick and her body couldn't get better.  So soon she stopped breathing and her heart stopped beating.
Me:  I agree little buddy.
S: Tell me all about your mom
Me:  She was a wonderful mom.  She loved to play games and do art. She liked to go outside and to watch movies together.
S: I like to do all of those things too
Me:  Yup.  I think that you and Grandma Charlene would have had so much fun together.  Grandma Charlene would have loved you so much.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I was so sad this morning when I woke the little guy up and he told me that he had a headache.  I passed the word to David, and much to my surprise he started laughing.  I couldn't imagine what could be funny about my darling little boy having a headache.  Then David explained that when they were getting ready for bed last night, Samuel informed him that in the morning he would have a headache and would not be able to go to school......

Oh my, I think we are in trouble! 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Casey Jr. Splash 'N' Soak Station

There is a new water area a Magic Kingdom - and it is so awesome!  Samuel loved it, and I love the
theming.  Who doesn't love the Casey Jr Train and the circus animals?  One thing to be very careful about though if you ever go play at this water area - it gets very slippery on the brick area.  I am hoping this is something that they fix.  Samuel had his water shoes on and he is a very cautious little one, but there were lots of other children that slipped and fell. 

Sheriff Woody

Just a random cute picture of the best little boy on Earth!  


On Saturday we all experienced some firsts.
It was Samuel' first time bowling and he had a wonderful time!
Here are some short video clips for you to enjoy:

Samuel often did a little dance while the ball was rolling toward the pins.  He unfortunately didn't ever do it when I had the camera on him. 

For Samantha - it was the first time she broke 100 in bowling!  And for David, well, it was his first time ever being beaten by Samantha!  (He's not so happy about his first). 

Samuel 91, Samantha 108, David 104

We all had a great time.  At first Samuel wasn't sure he wanted to even try.  You know how the lighting is at a bowlig alley and then it was noisey; Samuel was quite overwhelmed.  But after he warmed up, he loved it.  He even asked if we could keep his shoes.....so we snapped a picture of him in them :)

Monday, June 25, 2012

7 Year Anniversary

This year we celebrated 7 years of wedded bliss and to celebrate we had the opportunity to do the Beluga Whale Interaction at Sea World. It was incredible and I am so glad that we were able to do that this year. Here are a few pictures of the experience.

This was truly such an amazing experience.  I would completely recommend it to anyone.  The water is cold which is why my hands are always being held out of the water, but other than my hands I really didn't even notice the water.  So if anyone ever offers this experience to you, you should totally do it, or if you ever have the money and are in the area - do it!  It was incredible!