Quote of the Moment

This is what the past is for! Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see." Corrie ten Boom, The Hiding Place

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pinched, Medical Update

Today at the x-ray appointment we found out that Samuel had to have his labs re-done.  Samuel has become a pro at doing the x-rays. He knows that they are quick and painless.  He also knows that labs are not fun.  Children's hospitals are usually great about getting it on the first stick and today was no exception.  Samuel squired and cried, but I think it was mainly the worry of the pain because it was so quick and Samuel settled down while it was being drawn.  While leaving the hospital Samuel asked, "Why did that man pinch me?"  Poor little guy. 
Tomorrow we have more tests that will not be pleasant and will involve Samuel being catheterized (they wanted to do one one lab today that would have also required Samuel to be catheterized and I suggested that they just do that when they cath him tomorrow and they all agreed that would be a good idea).  I am dreading the tests tomorrow because he will not receive any medication and I know from a similar test that this will actually be a bit painful for him.  I really don't like holding him down for things that hurt, but I also wouldn't want to not be there to comfort him. Samuel is such a trooper in going through all of the testing.  
He is doing well.  We have had to adjust the treatments slightly and the "recipe" that is currently being used seems to be working.  We will use the same one tomorrow morning, and then in the afternoon after the x-ray and tests we will meet with the doctors and hopefully receive positive news!

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