Quote of the Moment

This is what the past is for! Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see." Corrie ten Boom, The Hiding Place

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I have been thinking about trust lately and about how parenting does require quite a bit of trust.
From the moment Samuel was born we have trusted doctors and nurses to help us to provide the best care possible for Samuel. Then Samuel went to daycare and we have to trust the teachers to care for him while we are at work.
When the second surgery came around it took a huge amount of trust. In the waiting room we met the anesthesiologist and the surgeon reviewed what he would be doing during the surgery. We changed Samuel into a gown and I rocked him for a little while. Then the nurse came in. Handing Samuel over to the nurse and walking toward the waiting room while the nurse took Samuel back to the OR was so hard. I had to trust that the medical professionals would do everything they could to keep our little guy safe.
As I have been thinking about that experience and also preparing for Samuel's final surgery I wonder if I can actually hand him over again. Honestly, I trust the surgeon completely. He is awesome. And the anesthesiology department at the hospital is tops. But, it is still hard. I want him to be safe and I would give anything and everything to help him.
So I have thought about Heavenly Father and what He has done. He knows Samuel and what a wonderful boy he is. He also knows me and knows everything about me. Yet he has put His trust in me and David to raise this little boy and keep him safe. I am honored that He would trust us with Samuel and I am so thankful for my little family.
This has also taught me a little bit about how important those little updates are. I mean, every day from daycare we get a report card of what and how Samuel did that day. I love those little papers. During surgery we get updates about how Samuel is doing and those little updates are sanity savers. Well, if I feel that way about those little updates, how much our Heavenly Father must love those little updates of how we are doing and how Samuel is doing. Part of the reason I trust the daycare and the surgeon so much is because they are so great at communicating with me. I really need to be better at communicating with my Heavenly Father and giving Him those updates. That is a goal I have during this year and forever.

So those are just some thoughts - what has parenting taught you?


Aileen and Aaron Trost said...

Parenting has taught me patience, unconditional love, and how to accept that it's okay not to get everything done on my originally planned schedule. My life truly revolves around my girls' schedules now, which has been an adjustment for me.

Quinn said...

Beautifully said, Samantha. Each of my children has taught me something different. When Zoe was born I looked into her eyes and wondered about what she was here to teach me. I think she still has a lot to teach me but already I have learned so much from her.

Many prayers in the coming weeks.